Going on The Hero's Journey

When you’re feeling called upon to go on The Hero’s Journey plan on having experiences like no other, especially if you’re wanting to make some power moves in your life. You’ll know it’s time when out of nowhere important and unexpected events and conditions look like The Tower card in tarot (16) and feel like The Fool card (0) both major arcana cards in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck.

Staying on the journey is essential. It’s emotional, messy, empowering, self-transforming, liberating and asks for surrender, positivity, faith flexibility, patience and trust.

My journey for this chapter in my life began in 2020 and I’ve stayed on it. I came close to bailing a couple times but that would only defeat my purpose. I wanted to come out triumphant. It’s been an incredibly challenging and sometimes excruciating experience and uncomfortable to express in words since it’s all so new. Thank goodness for the art I create, It’s always there when I want or need it. I believe art without words can often tell a story better than one with words. Great for the viewer too which you will soon see.

So what exactly is the Hero’s Journey?

The Hero’s Journey as told in words:

“The Hero’s Journey," is a commonly used narrative archetype and story template that tells of a heroine, who is about leave her comfort zone to forge a new reality through adventure into the unknown. She faces a crisis and wins, then return victorious!!

The Hero’s Journey narrative is important because it demonstrates that a change is possible for everyone. It show us that ordinary people - like yours truly - can overcome great adversity and defeat their fears. Our heroine is able to positively affect the world in her own unique way.

The Heroine’s Journey told through my art

The visual version of My Heroine’s Story follows a similar narrative arc. Instead of words on paper (or a screen), I’m relying on my series of five mixed media collage paintings to tell my story.

My art and creative process knows me better than I do! Shocking? No. Choosing color and collage over words to visually express myself was an authentically wise decision for this journey. It accomplished exactly what I wanted to say beautifully and accurately. I felt the story flow more freely. Every panel was meticulously sequenced, with each piece added more context, intent, depth, hope and triumph.

Would you take this journey ? Which told my intended story better words, my art or both? It was a tough call so I included both and ask you to be the judge. I’d love to hear from you. Click on my Contact form or email at marilyn@marilyngrad.com

Thank You for going on the Heroine’s journey with me. I hope this story resonated with you, in word, art, or both. I look forward to going on many more journeys and viewing more art together, and without the Tower!!

Until next time,

“Faith is not for overcoming obstacles.
It’s for experiencing them all the way through.”
- R. Rohr


*Piece by Piece Putting it Together*