*Piece by Piece Putting it Together*

*The Art of Making Art*

I’ve been a mixed media artist and acrylic painter for twenty five years. I chose mixed media as my niche but I’m of the belief this niche chose me. And I’m so grateful. It’s a niche that has given me my aesthetic sensibility,

My attraction to mixed media and how it applies to my style and use of materials is reflected in how my themes - Buddha, Deities, Geisha, Abstract and Whim(sical) - ignite my imagination and heighten my intuition. I’m interested, curious and inspired to research and learn more about spirituality, iconic symbolism, culture, metaphysical properties of crystals for energy, health and emotional wellness,

A vision's just a vision
If it's only in your head.
If no one gets to see it,
It's as good as dead.
It has to come to light!

My paintings are best expressed the moment I agree to relinquish control. That opens the field for uninhibited experimentation and an expression of ideas to flow. New insights start to surface. Flexibility and creative problem solving can occur. I tap into my emotions and feel soulful.

The foundation, colors, icons, symbolism, and other resourceful materials that go into every piece of art has a purpose, an intention, and that reason is….You!!

There’s inspiration, meaning, wisdom, culture, spirituality, beauty and great energy in the pieces I create.

The art takes on a life and story of its own. The pieces want to be seen and accessible.

Right now, I’m creating an essential piece…putting it together…as I type. I can’t wait to share it with YOU!!

Bit by bit, putting it together
Piece by piece, only way to make a work of art
Every moment makes a contribution
Every little detail plays a part
Having just a vision's no solution
Everything depends on execution
Putting it together
That's what counts!

This new piece has to come to life and it’s truly alive!! Piece by piece. Every detail plays a part. The timing feels right.

As a solopreneur, I’m committed to my art wholeheartedly and worked hard at acquiring all the marketing acumen I need to succeed. I trust my artistic process - my journey - now more than ever.

That is the state of the art. That is the state of my art.

*(Note :-) : The chosen lyrics that appear in this post are from the song “Putting it Together” from the musical “Sunday in the Park with George” written and composed by the late and great Stephen Sondheim. May he RIP He was and will always be source of inspiration to me and my art. *

What is it that inspires you? How do you know when you are in the flow? What does it feel like?

I would love to hear from you and how you go about your creative process. Please click on the Contact link on my website to confidentially share your thoughts. And if you liked this post, click the like icon below. You are welcome to share!!!


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